A.S.K.N. International Audit Services Co., Ltd.
A.S.K.N. International Auditing Services was established as the auditing office in 1999 and registered with Ministry of Commerce in accordance with the Civil and Commercial Code to be a company in 2013. The name was changed to A.S.K.N. International Auditing Services Co., Ltd. (ASKN). We provide the services consist of: Auditing of financial statements Internal audit service Design and analysis accounting system Implement and improvement of internal controlling and reporting systems
- Social Security (SSO) - Company group insurance - Company Holidays - Accounting Seminar
A.S.K.N. International Audit Services Co., Ltd.
50/8 อาคารเมทัลเลี่ยน 2, ชั้น 6, ถ.พระราม 1,
แขวงรองเมือง เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพมหานคร 10330
โทรศัพท์ : 081-933-2590, 02-216-2061
แฟกซ์ : 02-216-2062
เว็บไซต์ : http://www.askn-th.com/index.php
By public bus #15, 47, 48 & 508 By BTS (Dark Green Line) to National Stadium Exit 2 and then take the bus #15, 47, 48, 508 or walking about 10 minutes.