รายละเอียดงาน-อายุไม่เกิน35 ปี
-ดูแลทุกส่วนHR จะเน้นวางแพลนโปรเจคHR เช่น ฝั่งHRควรทำโปรเจตอะไรบ้างในแต่ละปี
•Develop organization strategy, manages and provide consultation of HR functions within the company in order to achieve company objectives and goals, and to support company development
•Analyst and manage all HR activities including recruitment, payroll & compensation, welfare & benefits, Thai labor law, performance evaluation, and training arrangement
•Work closely with management and employees to improve work relationships, build morale, and increase productivity and retention.
•Role and Responsibility Review, Job Description Review, and Developing Job Evaluation process.
•Implement Training Roadmap, Training Program, Training Survey, Training need concerned for Company Business.
•Report to HR manager