24 มิ.ย. 67

Purchase Officer

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อ.บ้านโพธิ์ จ.ฉะเชิงเทรา

salary iconเงินเดือน
salary iconN/A
number of positions iconอัตรา
number of positions icon1 position
english apply iconรับเฉพาะใบสมัครภาษาอังกฤษเท่านั้น
1.Procurement planning: The purchasing department must plan to determine purchasing activities according to the organization's goals. including setting objectives and analysis of needs for materials, equipment, products, or services. 2.Find and shop for vendors: The purchasing department must find and shop for vendors that have the right products or services they need. Considering the quality, price, liquidity and reliability of the seller. 3.Price Negotiation: The purchasing department must negotiate prices with the sellers to get the best and most appropriate price. Price negotiation is a tool for reducing costs and increasing profits for organizations. 4.Order goods and services: The purchasing department will order goods or services as agreed upon. Including checking the accuracy and completeness of the received goods or services. 5.Vendor Relationship Management: Procurement must maintain and manage long-term vendor relationships. This includes tracking the results of product delivery. Quality inspection and solving problems that may occur Establishing good partnerships with vendors will help organizations receive high quality and efficient products and services. 6.Stock Management: The purchasing department is responsible for stock management. Overall checking the amount of products in stock Quality inspection and proper storage of products To be able to improve the product storage process for maximum efficiency 7.Purchasing Evaluation: The purchasing department must conduct a purchasing evaluation to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of purchasing activities. This may include measuring the quality of the goods or services received. cost savings and optimization of business processes
  1. Male/Female age 28 - 40 Year.
  2. Bachelor's degree or higher
  3. Strong problem-solving skills with the ability to troubleshoot complex issues.
  4. Can use English to speak, read and write well.
  5. A minimum of 3-5 years of experience in purchase
- ส่งอีเมล - สมัครผ่าน JobThai
บริษัท เอชทู ซีทติ้ง จำกัด
99 หมู่ที่ 3
ตำบลเทพราช อำเภอบ้านโพธิ์ จังหวัดฉะเชิงเทรา 24140
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ตำบลเทพราช อำเภอบ้านโพธิ์ จังหวัดฉะเชิงเทรา
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