รายละเอียดงาน•Manage delivery of components & finish goods and machine to be on time require..
•Apply import application form to Custom & BOI, in order to get result of allowable on components imported and machines for operation.
•Internal support for all import-export activities and follow up registration of new BOI & FZ projects.
•Coordinate with shipping company to achieve import of raw materials for manufacturing, correctly and on time required.
•Apply documents for BOI & Free Zone to get acceptance on free duty of imported raw materials.
•Collect import documents and matching with invoice for preparing of payment to suppliers
•Collect import documents and primary approve on shipping documents, in order to pay on any logistics cost to shipping company.
•Apply documents for BOI & Free Zone and achieve approval to export finished goods to customers.
•Registration on new BOIi FZ project to get approval on duty free privilege on time required
•Conduct reports for BOIi FZ and Custom, regarding on financial & logistic topics
•Internal manage & support to all materials and documents movement, imported and exported.
•Participate and assist quality system & cost reduction program.
•Issuing invoice for export shipment base on standard price from Finance and follow up submission to customers.