รายละเอียดงาน-Analyze complex product specifications, parts drawings and other engineering data to develop new production processes.
-Estimate time requirements for each step to make preparation plan and control within due date.
-Lead problems analysis and solve them by Problem solving steps and reoccurrence problem protection to next model.
- Establish job standards and revise specifications to ensure accurate process design preparation, covering the timeline from trial production to mass production, minimizing errors and omissions.
-Analyze current production processes to improve next product by developing New processes, functions, equipment and packaging design and dwq. Design (Tool, Package, Part supply EQ) to enhance productivity.
-Study investment new process cost to order, installation, unpacking, switching package processes evaluate and control investment cost, time and volume.
ติดต่อHuman Resources
Thai Yamaha Motor Co.,Ltd.
64, Mu 1, Debaratana Road,
ตำบลศีรษะจรเข้ใหญ่ อำเภอบางเสาธง จังหวัดสมุทรปราการ 10540