รายละเอียดงาน- Manage the sales operation to successfully achieve the team sales objectives.
- Setting strategic plans to develop & execute team sales activities to ensure achievement of team targets.
- Develop and manage sales teams monthly forecast & set yearly budget goals.
- Deal with key customers to develop good business relationship & to manage business risk.
- Lead the team leaders & subordinates to develop & improve overall teams's productivity, efficiency and service quality.
- Manage and lead team to develop new project business & dicovery of new market new customers.
- Lead staffing, training and performance evaluations as well as setting career path for team subordinates.
คุณสมบัติผู้สมัคร - Bachelor's degree in Electrical / Electronics Engineering.
- At least 10 years of experience as Corporate sales in same industry (Electronics).
- Used to work in management positions or supervisors for around 5 years.
- Proven track record of success the sales cycle from plan to close.
- Excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills.
- Superb leadership ability.
- Problem-Solving skills.
วิธีการสมัครส่งประวัติเบื้องต้น หรือ Resume ทาง
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