รายละเอียดงาน-Responsible for developing and implementing comprehensive cost accounting and management systems in accordance with local accounting laws and standards and organizing their execution.
Responsible for : Consolidation and collection of cost expenses, preparation of cost reports, cost management and analysis (including account setup, and establishment of system inventory organization)
Cost Planning: Related-party transactions, material cost planning, system and standardization construction, information technology construction.
-Responsible for Mapping and conversion of financial statements according to Thai accounting standards.
-Prepare monthly interim and formal financial reports in accordance with Chinese accounting standards and group requirements and enter/upload them into the system for submission.
-Analyze the differences between monthly interim reports and formal reports and perform anomaly analysis on critical items.
-Annual financial closing work, preparation of annual financial statements, annual report audit, and compliance management.
- Preparation, and submission of foreign tax returns, PP. 30, PP.36 & PND.1,3,53 very well
- Prepare a cost sheet detailing the breakdown.
ติดต่อคุณณิชาภัทร ปะวันนา
บริษัท ฟอร์จูน อินดัสเตรียล (ไทยแลนด์) จำกัด
สวนอุตสาหกรรมโรจนะ บ่อวิน ชลบุรี (บ่อวิน) สวนอุตสาหกรรมโรจนะ บ่อวิน ชลบุรี (บ่อวิน)
ตำบลบ่อวิน อำเภอศรีราชา จังหวัดชลบุรี 20230