รายละเอียดงานElectrical Construction Material Division
Product: Wiring Device, Socket, Receptacle, Switch
Job Description
Develop and adjust production plans to align with organizational goals and requirements.
Coordinate with related departments to ensure smooth execution of the production plan.
Production Support Documents
Prepare and print documents related to monthly production reports.
Manage data related to the Office MDP system.
Inventory Check
Conduct monthly inventory checks and summarize inspection results.
Coordinate with relevant departments to ensure efficient inventory control and storage management.
Compliance with Standards and Company Policies
Adhere to ISO9001, ISO14001, and ISO45001 standards, as well as related company procedures.
Follow company rules, policies, and regulations.
Participate in company-standard activities such as Safety, MB, 5S, and QCC.
ติดต่อKhun Warunyu, Khun Narissara (Recruitment)
Panasonic Manufacturing Ayuthaya Co., Ltd.
1/69 Moo 5 Rojana road สวนอุตสาหกรรมโรจนะ อยุธยา
ตำบลคานหาม อำเภออุทัย จังหวัดพระนครศรีอยุธยา 13210