Vuteq Thai Co., Ltd. is Thai-Japanese joint venture company to manufacture steel case, fabricated metal product, Injection plastic parts and assembly of accessories part for automotive industries, machine design and others. Now we are looking for anyone who have capability to work or join with the company to support the growth of business and other job for NEW MODEL.
- Shift allowance - Long Service Award - Diligence Award - Bonus 2 Time / Year - Annually traveling activity - Sport day & new year party activity - Uniform
- Life insurance - Accident insurance - Annually salary increment (For permanent) - Reimbursement of medical benefits for families. (For permanent) - Training - visited the company vuteq corparation Japan. (For permanent) - Emergency loans (For permanent)
บริษัท วูเทคไทย จำกัด
700/66 หมู่ที่ 6 นิคมอุตสาหกรรมอมตะนคร
Nong Mai Daeng Mueang Chon Buri Chon Buri 20000
Tel. : 038-468-050 ต่อ 213 (อมตะ), 038-588-110 (สาขาบ้านโพธิ์), 038-950-390-1 (สาขาระยอง), 038-494-513-5 (สาขาแหลมฉบัง), 02-386-2294 (สาขาPacking)
Fax : 038-468-150