“JobThai” | means the service of job searches and/or job applications for Job Seekers and the search of resumes and/or job advertisements for the Employers through websites and/or applications, including future products of JobThai; |
“Advertising” | means the advertisements of job vacancies with the objective of personnel hiring in any job positions, including any patterns of advertising as they appear on JobThai; |
“Data” | means data, audio files, music, pictures, videos and other similar things; |
“Job Seeker” | means users of JobThai with an objective of job seeking which includes users who have subscribed to JobThai membership and users who have not subscribed to JobThai membership; |
“Job Applicant” | means an applicant for a job position as it appears or is advertised on JobThai; |
“Employers” | means natural persons or juristic persons lawfully registered, including limited partnerships, limited companies, public limited companies and/or juristic persons under other laws who has applied for membership with JobThai. |
“Username” | means emails as created by Job Seekers which have been approved for logging in to and using the services of JobThai; |
“Passwords” | means the codes created by Job Seekers which have been approved for logging in to and using the services on JobThai; |
“Services” | means services presented on JobThai both with costs and without costs, including presentation of useful information to the Employers, Job Seekers and/or general public; |
“JobThai Resumes” | means the personal profiles of Job Seekers, including educational background and work experience provided by Job Seekers which are kept in the JobThai system with consent from the data owners; |
“Job Applications” | means applications created by Job Seekers for job positions as they appear or are advertised on JobThai; |