Job DescriptionsLaboratory analysis
• Perform Chemical and Physical analysis include organoleptic test of all raw materials, syrup, semi product, finished product and shelf-life products according to Test plan, Work instruction and Good laboratory practice.
• Carry out analysis of new raw materials or new source per concern requisition.
• Key analysis result of raw material, semi product and finished goods. Maintain record according to document control system.
• Evaluate accuracy result and report abnormal results to supervisor.
• Verify COA of incoming raw materials.
• Update quality document, Test plan, Work instruction and specification related to analysis activities.
Laboratory development
• Evaluate and validate analysis method, equipment and suggest to supervisor.
• Join proficiency test program with external provider.
• Study new method, new technology to develop and improve laboratory performance.
• Perform follow equipment preventive maintenance and calibration program in laboratory.
• Maintain Good laboratory practice, ISO 17025 requirement in laboratory.
• Deliver QA/QC KPI's and company strategy.
• Handle Safety workplace, HSE, ISO 14001, 5S activities and company's rule.
• Perform other assignments as assigned by Supervisor and managements.