Job Descriptions1. **Recruitment plan formulation:** Develop recruitment plans and strategies based on client needs and recruitment goals.
2. **Candidate search:** Search for potential candidates through various channels (such as social media, recruitment websites, professional networks, personal connections, etc.), including active recruitment and passvie search.
3. **Candidate screening:** Conduct preliminary screening and evaluation of candidates to ensure that they meet the client's recruitment requirements and job requirements.
4. **Interview arrangement:** Arrange candidates for interviews with clients and coordinate interview time and location.
5. **Interview follow-up:** Follow up on interview results, collect feedback, and provide feedback to candidates.
6. **Offer negotiation:** Assist clients and candidates in salary negotiations and benefits negotiations to reach a satisfactory offer for both parties.
7. **Onboarding follow-up:** Follow up on the candidate's onboarding process to ensure smooth onboarding and resolve possible issues.