Job DescriptionsDo production plan By receiving a production plan from PC to make the production more efficient.,. Supervise the quality and production process. Supervise machinery and molds to be used efficiently.,. Supervise staff to organize employees into the production line. Including taking care of staff work and safety,. Control the quality of the work piece to meet the standard that the customer accepts.,. Check the system of machinery and molds that are in normal condition or not. And maintain the working equipment,. Organize the work system of employees in the production line. Using equipment correctly and orderliness in the area of responsibility. And safety in the work of employees in the production line,.Teaching / training / giving knowledge about the process of working for employees in charge. In order for employees to work properly in accordance with the principles of quality and safety.,. Make production reports and control production.,. Responsible for maintaining machines and molds. And write a repair notification to the maintenance department In the event that the machine or mold is found to be damaged and cannot be used,. Perform other tasks as assigned by the Manager