Job Descriptions1. **Software and Hardware Support**
- Install, maintain, and troubleshoot Windows software and hardware for users and can condition modify.
- Resolve user problems efficiently to ensure minimal downtime.
2. **Office Equipment Management**
- Oversee the management and maintenance of office equipment including NAS, UPS, UniFi, access points, and cameras.
3. **Network Administration**
- Maintain and manage network infrastructure, including firewalls and Active Directory (AD) servers.
4. **Data Backup and Recovery**
- Perform regular backups and restores of file servers, ensuring familiarity with NAS and file server operations.
5. **ERP System Management**
- Manage and maintain the T100 ERP system (ERP), including form creation and updates.
6. **Information Room Maintenance**
- Maintain the information room and its equipment, handling any exceptions or issues as they arise.
1. **软件和硬件支持**
- 安装、维护和排除用户的Windows软件和硬件故障。
- 為使用者安裝、維護 Windows 軟體和硬體並進行故障排除,並且可以進行條件修改。
2. **办公设备管理**
- 监督NAS、UPS、UniFi、接入点和摄像头等办公设备的管理和维护。
3. **网络管理**
- 维护和管理网络基础设施,包括防火墙和活动目录(AD)服务器。
4. **数据备份和恢复**
- 定期执行文件服务器的备份和恢复,确保熟悉NAS和文件服务器的操作。
5. **ERP系统管理**
- 管理和维护T100 ERP系统(ERP),包括表单创建和更新。
6. **信息室维护**
- 维护信息室及其设备,处理任何出现的异常或问题。