Job Descriptions•Quality assurance personnel (QA) is independent and under the direct responsibility of Test Facility Management (TFM).
•Perform QA activities to comply with the Quality Assurance Programme (QAP) under OECD Principles on Good Laboratory Practice (OECD GLP) within a test facility which means a set of planned actions of the QA monitoring that include verification, inspection and documentation.
•Verify all standard operating procedures (SOP) to ensure that all SOPs comply with OECD GLP principles.
•Validate the calculation forms to ensure that formulas and software are valid.
•Prepare the QA inspection plan and conduct inspections to ensure all studies are conducted in accordance with OECD GLP principles. Types of inspection are shown as follows.
oFacility-based Inspection
oStudy-based Inspection
oProcess-based Inspection
Verification and inspection must be recorded and the results and/or summary of inspection must be informed or reported to a relevant or responsible person.
•Prepare the QA Inspection List as a summary of planned QA activities.
•Ensure that the study is conducted in accordance with Good Clinical Practices: review and audit activities related to the conduct of clinical studies (Phase I, II, III and IV) in human subjects under the control of the company including: system audits of all operations relating to the collection, storage, analysis and reporting of clinical data subject to be reviewed by regulatory agencies; study-specific/in-house audits including reviews of protocols, correspondence files, monitoring reports, drug reconciliation, case report forms, adverse reaction reports, summary reports, etc.; study specific/on-site audits for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of reported study data against source documentation.
•Verify the study plan before the study is conducted (before the experimental starting date of the study) to ensure the study plan contains the information required for the study and complies with OECD