RJ Supply and Service Co., Ltd. has two main related business areas. One is to represent a leading specialist in gas detection products and services and other specialist instruments. We also supply various other equipment, such as gas detectors and gas analyzers.
Another is to provide a manpower supply service. RJSS has a pool of local candidates, who have gained numerous experiences, especially in Oil & Gas Projects in Thailand. We supply manpower such as Project Managers/ E&I Technicians/ Safety Personnel/ Welding inspectors/ Construction supervisors and all engineering disciplines.
At RJ Supply and Service Co., Ltd. we know that finding and retaining good people is one of the most challenging tasks a company faces. With this in mind, we are constantly looking for candidates whose work experience, knowledge, and personality match our clients existing and future vacancies.
ติดต่อคุณเฟิร์น, คุณเต้ย
บริษัท อาร์เจ ซัพพลาย แอนด์ เซอร์วิส จำกัด
127/13-14 ซ.รามอิทรา 40 แยก 8 ถ.รามอินทรา
แขวงนวลจันทร์ เขตบึงกุ่ม กรุงเทพมหานคร 10230

@rjsupply วิธีการเดินทางBTS - Ram Inthra KM 6 Station