Laser Game Asia.,Ltd
Laser Game Asia LTD. is a freshly established company specialized in Laser Tag entertainment. The first facility opened its doors in 2016 in Bangkok Sukhumvith 22 at Holiday Inn Hotel under the brand name LaZgaM Laser Games. And three more branches will open during the 2017 year. Laser Tag is a live shooting simulation played in groups of up to 32 players (divided in up to 6 teams) that compete simultaneously. The playground is equipped with futuristic decor, lasers, neon lights and smoke machine to create an atmosphere reminiscent of Sci-Fi movies such as Star Wars, Avatar and Tron. At the end of the game, teams and players are ranked with points in order to determinate the winners. Our business includes Laser Tag service, bar, birthday parties, bachelor parties, corporate events and team building. Laser Game Asia LTD. Is looking for motivated and dynamic staff that are wiling to work with groups of customers mainly composed by child and teenagers.
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Laser Game Asia.,Ltd
5th Floor Holiday Inn Hotel Sukhumvit 22
แขวงคลองตัน เขตคลองเตย กรุงเทพมหานคร 10110
BTS Asoke / MRT Sukhumvit / BTS Prompong
เวลาทำการ: จันทร์-ศุกร์ 8:30-18:00 น.ขอความช่วยเหลือ: support@jobthai.comต้องการโฆษณา: sale@jobthai.comแฟกซ์: 02-480-9988
บริษัท ทิงค์เน็ต จำกัด (สำนักงานใหญ่)323 อาคารยูไนเต็ดเซ็นเตอร์ ชั้น 6 ห้อง 601 ถนนสีลม แขวงสีลม เขตบางรัก กทม. 10500
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