บริษัท วิชั่นเท็กซ์ จำกัด เป็นผู้ผลิตและจำหน่ายผ้าถักทั้งในและต่างประเทศ ต้องการรับสมัครผู้ที่มีความสามารถและมีความกระตือรือร้นเพื่อเข้าร่วมงานกับบริษัท
Company Vision
Vision Tex is a producer of fabric products and provides the highest quality of service and product in order to offer maximum benefits to its customers and consumers throughout the world.
Our aim is to build and strengthen customer satisfaction through our commitment to excellence of both product and service by
ensuring that we meet the requirements of our customers by balancing our use of all available resources such as technology, production techniques, our business partners, market information and our human resources.
being an organization regarded as a place of knowledge and excellence by continuous development of every factor of our company and through our most important policy, which is to ensure that our employees are united as a solid team committed to achieving a single common goal.
building and strengthening the quality of life for our employees and honoring our responsibilities to society in general.