Yaraku is a small start-up located in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Our focus is primarily on our
web-based Translation Management System application. YarakuZen is an online
translation software that makes doing business in foreign languages easier. You can
upload documents to your account to conveniently edit them and save the correct
translations. YarakuZen remembers which phrases you edit, so the more you use
YarakuZen, the more accurate the automatic translations become. YarakuStick (β) is a
completely new simultaneous translation device. Instead of translating and speaking
one sentence at a time like conventional voice translators, YarakuStick (β) will
continuously perform machine translation and display it as subtitles. YarakuStick (β) is
equipped with six microphones, like smart speakers, available in 27 languages.
YarakuStick (β) is a lightweight, compact device that can be carried in a bag, and used
in your hand or placed on a desk. If you’ve ever been nervous about a business trip overseas, YarakuStick can offer you some peace of mind.