Double Wings International Ltd.
Bridging British Education Virtual Academy (BBEVA) is affiliated with UK Double Wings International Ltd. The Academy aims to provide high-quality international education to students whose first language is not English. BBEVA is a global international education provider and a leader in its field. Currently, BBEVA has channel users and students in mainland China, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Australia, and Europe. BBEVA offers: 1.Specialized international education curriculum system designed for EAL students. 2.Professional educational consultancy 3.Comprehensive support and feedback 4.Bespoke preparation for entry to UK independent schools and universities 5.Tutoring to pupils of all ages up to university entry level. 6.Hi-tech teaching platform and excellent resources.
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Double Wings International Ltd.
Hamilton House, London WC1H 9BB
United Kingdom
เวลาทำการ: จันทร์-ศุกร์ 8:30-18:00 น.ขอความช่วยเหลือ: support@jobthai.comต้องการโฆษณา: sale@jobthai.comแฟกซ์: 02-480-9988
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