Sekisui Specialty Chemicals (Thailand) Co.,ltd We currently expand our High Performance Plastics. For base in Thailand we are located in Hemaraj Eastern (Maptaphut) Industrial Estate _ Rayong Province . Our company is in part of CPVC compound production in “SEKISUI GROUP” . The High Performance Plastics Company utilizes its unique fine particle, adhesion and precise synthesis technologies to develop and provide high-performance and intermediate materials for a wide variety of fields such as electronics, automobiles and transportation, buildings and infrastructures, life sciences and industry, etc.
ContactsSekisui Specialty Chemicals (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
5/5 ถ.ผังเมืองเฉพาะ 3-1 นิคมอุตสาหกรรมเหมราชตะวันออก (มาบตาพุด)
Huai Pong Mueang Rayong Rayong 21150